Sacramental Preparation at St. Joseph & St. Francis Xavier is a collaboration of the parents as primary teachers of their child, catechists/teachers , and the community of faith.
Please fill out a Faith Formation Registration Form found on this page to sign your child up for the proper sacramental preparation program.
First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion
1st Grade faith formation classes are a prerequisite for 2nd grade First Reconciliation and First Communion. Preparation for the reception of these two sacraments takes place in the 2nd grade faith formation classes.
The Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as the Sacrament of Confession & the Sacrament of Penance) has four elements: Contrition, Confession, Penance and Absolution. In this sacrament we encounter the Lord’s abundant mercy which washes away the sins we have committed and helps us to be merciful like God the Father is merciful. Jesus instituted this sacrament on the evening of Easter Sunday when the Sacred Scriptures declare, “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.’ And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.’” (John 20:21-23)
The Eucharist is one of the sacraments that Jesus instituted at the Last Supper. The Eucharist is Jesus Christ’s very Body and Blood. Jesus’ sacred humanity is really present in the Eucharist. Jesus real presence in the Eucharist is called the Real Presence. When the Eucharist is received, we call it Holy Communion, because in receiving the Eucharist, a deeper communion is effected with Jesus.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation are required to be in faith formation classes for both 7th & 8th grade.
Confirmation is one of the seven sacraments that Jesus Christ instituted. Like Baptism and Eucharist, Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation. The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the Sacrament of Baptism. The sacrament of Baptism gives us new life in Christ and makes a disciple (a follower) of Christ. The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens (makes firm) the life in Christ which started at baptism and gives particular graces for a person to be Christ’s apostle (one who is sent to spread the faith to others)